
The figure Nurul Munira, Aceh Star Birth Malaysia

The figure Nurul Munira, Aceh Star Birth Malaysia
Nurul Munira

The tapering fingers incessantly plays smartphone uses. Clear brown eyes occasionally stole a look around shyly. However simper timeless pink lips belong to this beautiful virgin.

That Nurul Munira newcomer at the music of Aceh. Coupled with Bergek Aceh singer and comedian who is now shining, bringing success to the album "Bit-bit 2 " became the album that is now sold in the market.

Nurul Munira admitted that initially only a singer filler in weddings in the village in Bireuen. He said he often offered to sing along with accompaniment keyboard appear in small stages.

"In the past Nurul often invited to sing with the keyboard at party events marriage in Bireuen, because love singing, Nurul want," he told reporters in Banda Aceh some time ago.
But who would have thought that her appearance made one of his songs in Lhokseumawe producer interested in his ability. 2015 was the beginning of Nurul Munira diving world music recordings. Lahee debut song in the album Religious Prophet Kaaba production Halteks Record invites admiration.

Proceeding from the Kaaba album, single virgin birth Malaysia 3 September 1997 it was more flying entertainment on the world stage. Nurul also started Aceh offered to play a comedy titled "Jak Sabe".

Success in the film, Nurul Munira flooded bid to bring a number of songs Aceh. Even now come paired with singers who are also comedians Aceh Bergek.

Singing a duet with Bergek in several hits like, May Be May Be No. Yes, Gua Japan, and Alahai Bang, successfully brought Nurul Munira be a singer who is taken into account in the Land Rencong. Even their cooperation both in album Dikit-bit 2 sold hundreds of thousands of copies and became a popular album is currently in Aceh.

"Thank God it turned out this album many are like, and in collaboration with "Bergek" also wrote his own fun," said Nurul.

Throughout his career smart girl who also claims to have spawned dancing five albums, including album of the Kaaba 4, Suet bajee Jih Bloe I, Suet bajee Jih Bloe 2, Bit-bit 2 and Jak Sabe.
Nurul said she's currently a number of activities focus on completing various roadshows in various areas of Aceh. Nurul also said that he will continue to exist in the world of singing.
"Nurul likes to sing and dance on the small. Nurul also has ideals want to be a professional singer, "he says, smiling.

